Setev kayaking
Day 11 Report

Day 11 - 22/4/08 - Traveston to Gympie

Only 28km today because we had two national radio interviews and a visit to the Kandanga school. Final tally to Gympie is 371km.

Morning tea with the Fredman family was great. It was billy tea on the river bank with pikelets, jam and cream. Check out the photo with Debbie and Bob and Henry plus Kirra the dog. Bob is Shire Engineer at Gympie and has made an enormous difference to his section of the river bank. Isn’t it funny how engineers get the blame for so many things and yet many of the leaders in trying to save the planet are actually engineers.

It was a quick sprint into Gympie to finish the day off where I showed off by paddling over the weir.

Welcoming committee
Passing Traveston Crossing Bridge
Typical fast flow below Traveston
Typical pool below Traveston

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